Telehealth Online Distance Counselling

Telehealth with privacy, confidentiality and personal growth with you in mind

Problems with getting into a therapy session, no worries, online counselling is available to you.


  • Convenience: You can stay where you are and arrange an online  appointment at your convenience.

  • Accessibility: If you live in an area where there is no availability of a counsellor or therapist or your job requires you to constantly move around this will provide for you the help you need.

  • Confidentiality: The platform that we use is HIPAA compliant that allows exclusivity and privacy without external access by others.  A special code with invitation is given.

Important facts about online or internet counselling

  • Distance Counselling Burlington ONOnline counselling provides better therapeutic service than a phone session would.  This type of session enables the counsellor to make higher levels of observations that are not available via phone, thus having better results.

  • You will receive for your session a personal and private access code that is not accessible by others.


Online Distance Counselling/therapy allows help to come to YOU!!


It’s important to note, that though distance counselling can be a viable source of support but there are limitations because face to face counselling/therapy provides deeper therapeutic experiences as well as providing to the counsellor/therapist other essential information that can help the counselling process. Face to face counselling provides important information and support through facial expressions and body language because a client may say they are fine when in fact they are distressed.

Important Disclaimer

There are situations and circumstances where online counselling/coaching is NOT appropriate, here are some examples:

  • If you are feeling suicidal or having suicidal thoughts and you need immediate help.  If this is the case, please stop reading this NOW and call 911 or go immediately to your nearest hospital emergency ward.
  • If you are currently having intense or complex emotional problems where you feel like hurting yourself or someone else, please contact your medical doctor or a licensed mental health professional in your local area.
  • If you are suffering from a severe mental or emotional disorder this requires a face to face appointment, please contact your medical doctor or a licensed mental health professional in your local area.
  • If you have difficulty expressing yourself, where you can’t clearly communicate your thoughts accurately or how you feel then this form of counselling is not appropriate to you.
  • If you are under 18 years of age. You must be at least 18 to legally consent to use New Hope online counselling services.

New Hope Counselling Centre counselling / coaching is not an emergency or crisis line service.

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