Mood Disorders

Mood disorders properly treated can have great outcomes.  

Being moody can happen to anyone where you may feel out of control.  There are real answers and real solutions to stabilize your mood.  Moodiness can arise for many reasons, let’s explores some of them.

What is a mood?

A mood can be described or understood as a frame or state of mind.  It is a mode of feeling and expression.  Though moods do involve emotions but are much more than that.  Moods arise from spiritual, emotional, mental and physiological and environmental factors.  Each of these areas need to be addressed in order to have a stable mood.  Any or all of these mentioned factors can pervasively influence your mood, tone, your internal emotional state and when you are impaired it will markedly impact your behaviour and your perception of events.  If this state is left unaltered then your mood can alternate between elation and depression and can through time worsen.

What causes a mood disorder?

There are many different things that can contribute to a mood disorder.  Such factors can include adverse, traumatic and stressful life events, development issues, heredity, child birth and environmental toxicity has overloaded your brain and body.  These contributing factors which contribute to mood disorders usually result in an imbalance of the brain’s chemicals.

What are mood disorders?

A mood disorder is classified as a medical and psychiatric condition which can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, or assessed by a mental health professional.  Mood disorders are viewed as an imbalance of brain chemicals and possibly and imbalance in the endocrine system causing hormonal imbalances.

Many Mood Disorders can be resolved

What are the different types of mood disorders?


Mood disorders are classified as mental disorders and the most definable understanding is when there is a prolonged disturbance of mood which manifests in various ways of which some include episodes of manic, hypomanic, depressive symptoms or a combination of any of these.  Mood disorder classifications include the following:


  • SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which occurs or reoccurs in some individuals during the fall and winter seasons.  This is generally due to the lack of essential sunlight.  SAD is said to effect up to 20% of the North American population.
  • Major Depressive Disorder.  This can be when there is a lessened interest in usual activities, accompanied by sad feelings, feelings and thoughts of hopelessness for a period of at least two weeks or more.
  • Dysthymia is a low grade but chronic depression where is a person is irritable in mood and can last for years.
  • Bipolar Disorder is a condition where a person alternates in their mood where they swing from periods of mania or elevated mood to periods of depression.
  • Mood disorder due to a health condition such as a medical illness that can include cancer, injuries, infections and other chronic or long term illnesses that can trigger symptoms of a depressive mood.
  • Substance-induced mood disorder arise from the use of medication (pharmaceuticals), street drugs, addictions such as alcoholism, all and more which can result in a toxic overload in the body.
  • PPD Postpartum Depression according to some statistics show that 85% of women develop Postpartum depression after giving child birth.  though it may be short lived for most but for 10-15% of women it continues and become Major Depressive Disorder.  Some of the symptoms can include: depression or anxiety, extreme irritability, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and possibly some intrusive thoughts about harming the baby. This condition occurs more frequently in women who have a history of depression and trauma.


Can a mood disorder be cured?


Though some will say that a mood disorder cannot be cured yet there has been some clinical evidence to indicate that you can reclaim your health through mental health therapies, psychotherapy, counselling, medical treatment, and through natural and holistic health treatments.


Book your appointment today to begin moving forward in a healthier way for a healthier you!

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