How Does EMDR Work In The Brain?

EMDR accelerates the brains ability to process information.

What is AIP?

EMDR is known for its AIP model.   AIP stands for Accelerated Information Processing.  To explain this fully will be left to other written documents, here is the shortened and need-to-know version.

This is a learning theory that is based on the understanding that we already have information that we have learned in life that is healthy, while there is other learned material that is disruptive, distressing or dysfunctional.  We are constantly taking in information through our 5 physical senses and that information is being translated based on previous knowledge based on our personal experiences such as ‘stoves can be dangerous’ which may have been learned by burning your hand on a hot stove.  Another example might be regarding conflicts in relationships where a child learns that a “Me first”, attitude produces conflict but a “We can share”, attitude can produce harmony.  Therefore, when we learn functional and healthy things we can solve problems better.  Our brain stores both functional and dysfunctional information.  Where AIP comes in is where EMDR aids in the accelerated information processing of our brain.  EMDR accelerates the processing of dysfunctionally stored material where it “digests” those experiences that are dysfunctional and troubling where before therapy it was like undigested food stuck in our digestive system.

EMDR will help to relieve your emotional stresses.

The outcome of EMDR’s AIP model is that incoming sensory perceptions are better resolved in our brain because of already stored relevant information in memory networks which allows our brain to make better associations, better and healthier perceptions and experiences.  The result is whatever is useful is learned, stored in memory networks with correct emotional responses, and becomes available to guide the person in the future (Shapiro, 2001).

In conclusion EMDR’s effectiveness is based on how much and what kind of healthy, functional information we possess.  The therapist will aid the client in obtaining healing and functional information where needed so that the treatment will be more effective.

EMDR therapy is effective because it is an accelerated information processing therapy.  


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