
Bipolar Disorder

Emotions are powerful forces within our lives that we experience daily. Everyone experiences “off days”, but those who are suffering from Bipolar Disorder have extreme highs and deep lows.

Bipolar Disorder Counselling Theropy ONBipolar symptoms can hurt our lives creating havoc and pain in…

  • Your job and and career
  • Your school performance
  • Your sense of self
  • Your relationships
  • Your daily living

Understanding and Recognizing Bipolar Disorder

All too often people either don’t recognize the signs of Bipolar Disorder or they have tried to normalize it over the years.  Usually Bipolar disorder worsens without treatment therefore it is important to learn what the symptoms are.  Recognition of this disorder is the first step in getting help.

The Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, causes extreme mood swings which include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel hopeless or sad losing interest or pleasure in most activities. Then when your mood shifts in the other direction, you may feel full of energy or euphoric.  Mood shifts may occur as often as several times a week or only a few times a year.  Unlike ordinary mood swings, the mood changes of bipolar disorder are so intense that they interfere with your ability to function.

Emotions are Powerful

During a manic episode, a person may impulsively quit a job, charge large amounts on credit cards, be extremely irritable or extremely happy, and may even feel rested after sleeping two hours. During the manic phase there are behavioural extremes that are impulsive and often produce damaging results. During a depressive episode, often they hit bottom where the same person might be too tired to get out of bed and be full of self-loathing, self criticism and hopelessness over the choices they made in their manic phase. What causes the bipolar disorder?  It is not always understood in terms of medical observation.  There are observable patterns and one is that bipolar disorder often runs in families.  Often the first manic or depressive episode of bipolar disorder usually occurs in one’s teenage years or early adulthood. When this occurs it can be subtle and confusing.  Too often people with bipolar disorder are overlooked or misdiagnosed, which results in suffering.  The good news is that with proper treatment and support, you can overcome this condition and lead a life that is fulfilling.

The good news is that Bipolar Disorder can be treated by taking the following measures:

  • psychotherapy
  • counselling
  • change of diet
  • exercise
  • naturopathic and homeopathic treatments
  • medications
  • meditation and relaxation exercises

Debunking Some Myths of Bipolar Disorder
See Myths
  1. Myth: People with bipolar disorder are people who have emotional mood swings.

Truth:  Mood swings are not accurate indicators, most people experience mood swings at times but those with bipolar disorder experience them quite differently.  This is why a proper assessment is needed to determine a person’s individual issues.

2. Myth: Bipolar disorder only affects feelings and moods.

Truth:  Bipolar disorder effects sleeping patterns, self-discipline, even eating, ability to concentrate, study, make decisions, judgements, memory, energy levels, manage a healthy sex life, handle stress, and resolve conflict, control spending .

3. Myth: Bipolar is genetic.

Truth:  Bipolar is not a hereditary or genetic issue but it does run in family and there are numerous contributing factors that influence a person which can lead to having this disorder.  That being said there are physiological issues that play into a predisposition to bipolar disorder.  Stress can trigger bipolar disorder within a person but that is based on certain biological and developmental weaknesses.  With appropriate help things can change for the better.

4. Myth: Medication can cure bipolar disorder .

Truth: Medical treatment is used for recovery and relapse prevention and is not a cure but rather a management tool. It is essential to have a qualified physician that can help you with bipolar disorder.

5. Myth: People with bipolar disorder can’t work or live a normal life.

Truth: Many people with bipolar disorder have learned management skills, strategies and obtained good healthy support thereby they have been able to work and life a fulfilling healthy life.

6. Myth: Bipolar Disorder is a figment of one’s imagination.

Truth: Bipolar disorder is a real but treatable brain disorder that can cause a lot of suffering, especially if it is not well managed. A person can’t just snap out of it.  Recovery takes time, commitment and hard work.

7. Myth: The only real strategy for bipolar disorder is medication.

Truth: In true bipolar disorders that have proven to be chronic, medication is a primary strategy for managing this disorder.  To improve your quality of life a few things need to be implemented, such as:

  • be a student of the disorder by learning, listening, monitoring and talking about the emotional cycles and rhythms in a non-judgmental environment.
  • Live a structured and consistent lifestyle – diet, exercise, good time schedules, financial management and accountability, healthy social and family relationships, healthy spiritual lifestyle, consistent sleep times, etc.
  • Create a strong therapeutic team that is supportive, from professionals to friends.  It is essential to have good support and feedback because this disorder impacts the cognitive part of the brain.  Therefore clear communication, good monitoring by a loved one, and quality feedback is essential to health and success.

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Bipolar Disorder Counselling Theropy ON
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