Counselling Hamilton Ontario
Our counsellors can help you!
Having the right counsellor or psychotherapist is key to the solutions that you are seeking.
What Makes Us Different?
Our Counselling for Hamilton Ontario brings real world results. Aside from utilizing the time tested traditional talk therapy, we utilize the clinically proven emotional and body oriented therapies that resolve the issues from the bottom up. Bottom up processing has proven to be far more effective than top down processing.
Yes, talk therapy is a part of the Counselling process but not the only part for our Hamilton clients. Many have tried to resolve their deep rooted issues with only talk therapies, which has been the primary type of therapy style used by Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists and Counsellors. Talk therapy has its limitations when it comes to resolving anxiety, panic attacks, simple and complex PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, addictions, and other persistent mental health conditions. Often with conditions like these many will also pursue the medical model of mental health and receive psychiatric care as the solution to their condition. Though this may work for some but all too often it is simply a band-aid solution to their condition.
The good news is by taking a whole person approach which is a healthier, more holistic approach has clinically shown to resolve such issues over a period of time as the person is consistent with the therapy they are receiving. We at New Hope Counselling Centre take the whole person approach that aids in your healing process.
Our Therapeutic Approach
We use numerous methods of therapy that have been highly effective when used in conjunction with other mental health modalities.
Some of the mental health therapies we offer are:
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Homeopathy
- Psychosomatic Energetics
- Gestalt
- Fraser’s Dissociative Table
- Biotherapeutic Drainage
- And much more
Resolving Your Personal Issues – Hamilton Ontario Counselling Service
Our Hamilton counselling services are here to resolve your personal issues. We are here to give you compassion, resources, training, psychotherapy, life coaching, life and symptom resolutions, and healthier living.
Your health and wellbeing is our primary interest and we can help! Some European studies have shown that unresolved emotional conflicts result in at least 70% of physical diseases. Unresolved emotional issues can arise from early childhood trauma and neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, medical and dental trauma, and other traumatic events.
With a skilled Psychotherapist, Counsellor you can heal the heart and mind.

We provide counselling to the Hamilton Ontario community and its surrounding areas. Our office location is right next door in Burlington, which is a short drive from Hamilton. Our therapists are professional, confidential, skilled and most of all compassionate. Each one has their own unique skill set that can help you to move forward effectively. We are interested in helping you to get results! Our goal is to resolve your root issues so that your presenting problems will go away.
Your wellbeing is important to us, we are here to help you today! We can help you to connect to the right counsellor or psychotherapist and to move forward and increase the quality of your life. Individual Counselling will help you to resolve both big and little sized problems. Our counsellors and psychotherapists can bring restoration to the areas of your life that have hindered you for years. Call us today to book an appointment or for a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation. You are worth it!