Men Die Earlier and Suffer More

Men Die Earlier and Suffer More

health When it comes to men’s’ health issues, both men and women are equally apathetic.  A radical feminist joke goes like this, “Why do men die earlier than women?  Because they deserve it!”  Some of you reading this might be quietly say, “Yah, I agree!”  As odd as...
Getting Unstuck!

Getting Unstuck!

Most of us at some point in our lives will feel stuck.  We can feel stuck in our careers, stuck in personal development, stuck spiritually, stuck mentally and emotionally, and even stuck in our physical health. First, let me say that there are no magic pills, words or...
Pathway to Better Health

Pathway to Better Health

In 1890 Pavlov, a Russian physician and , accidentally discovered, through investigating the dog’s gastric function, the response that he called Classical Conditioning.  Classical Conditioning can be defined as, “conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus (as the...
Steps To A Balanced Life

Steps To A Balanced Life

In western thinking we tend to separate and segregate things into compartments.  This can be detrimental to us.  Oriental or Eastern orientations, including the Bible, focus on the synergy of a person, taking into account the connectedness between the spirit, the mind...
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