Counselling Oakville Ontario
Resolving life’s issues at its roots
Has talk therapy been effective? For some it has, but too many people are still searching for answers to their unresolved issues. Counselling and Psychotherapy has always involved talking, from Sigmund Freud to present day. Traditional talk therapy has been utilized by Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists, and Counsellors which has shown to have its benefits but can have limitations.
When a person experiences and lives in anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and PTSD talk via counselling is only the beginning. The real work begins when the brain and body memory can be correctly processed through addressing our unresolved and underlying issues through advanced and proven therapies that are available to us today.
Some of the advanced and effective therapies that our Counsellors provide are:
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- Psychosomatic Energetics
- Homeopathy
- Gestalt
- And much more
These modalities and therapeutic techniques have been researched and shown to be more effective over simple talk therapy or counselling in a shorter period of time.
Mental Health Statistics
According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health mental illnesses and addictions vary from mild to severe, but with professional support and treatment most people will recover.
1 out of 5 Canadians will experience a mental health issue or addiction problem in their life. By the age of 40, 1 in 2 people will have had a mental illness or issue and be in need of counselling or psychotherapy.
Statistics have also show that 70% of all or psychiatric mental health issues have their origin in childhood or adolescence.
Resolving your mental health issues is a must because it will not only hinder your quality of life ly and emotionally but also it will eventually impair your physical health. Some medical doctors have stated that unresolved emotional issues are at the root of 70-95% of all chronic illnesses and degenerative diseases. These unresolved emotional issues and mental illnesses often have their root cause in such abuses and traumas as:
- sexual abuse
- physical abuse
- verbal abuse
- emotional abuse
- neglect in childhood
- medical or dental trauma
With well skilled help a Psychotherapist, Counsellor can facilitate mental and emotional health.

A short drive from Oakville to our office in Burlington is well worth it. Our Psychotherapists and counsellors are professional, educated, experienced and well trained in the use of the most up to date therapeutic modalities which will help facilitate real results. We believe in aiding you with your symptoms to help bring immediate relief but our most effective work is getting to the root cause of your issues and resolving them. Your time is important and so is the quality of your life. Our approach is to be straightforward and honest with you to give you the quickest results. Individual Counselling and Therapy is crucial to help you move forward whether the problems are small or large. We will help you to move forward in your life today!
More Resorces To Better Your Life!