Marriage and relationships that start off strong can end up in times of difficulty and pain, but there is hope for a better tomorrow. We offer Couples and Marriage Counselling for those in Puslinch, Ontario.
A strong marriage relationship carries great benefits and we work to restore these benefits back into the marriage. We are careful to evaluate not only the relationship, but how each individual can be strengthened in the relationship. There are many root causes to issues that arise in a relationship but by using numerous therapeutic approaches we can bring hope and restoration to the marriage. We believe a marriage is something to be cherished and with the right help restoration can take place and love can be restored.
Without the right counselling and therapy marriage can be looked at as a heavy burden instead of the oasis of love it was designed to be. We can help you to get reconnected with your partner through communication techniques, training, and role play. Some therapists have said that troubles in a marriage are often 7 years in the making, though that may not always be true but a troubled relationship does not spring up overnight. Can a marriage relationship be repaired? If you are willing and committed then the answer is yes!
Getting to the root of your marital issues is key because without it then we will only be trying to fix the symptoms. If the problem is an affair(s), addictions, lack of communication, lack of love, damaging behaviour, lack of honesty, independent living, and any other problem these can be the result of much deeper issues that need to be resolved in order to fix the problem more permanently. A couple that takes the time to set down with a quality counsellor or therapist is taking the first step to restoration.
For marriage and couples counselling and therapy we offer a variety of therapeutic approaches that have proven to be highly effective. The first step in counselling we listen to your story to understand your issues, from there the coaching, counselling, and therapeutic process moves forward. We use our Two-Tier Marriage Therapy approach to resolve even the deep rooted issues in your relationship. In the first tier we get to know you as a couple, we help bring understanding, knowledge, behavioural and communicative techniques to you. If your relationship requires the second tier we then begin individualized therapy to help resolve the damaging emotions that arise in your marriage.
Often there are elements in a marriage that are present as a result of ones past which sabotages love in a relationship, this we can help resolve so that relational dynamics can improve significantly. Past traumas can play a significant role in an unhappy marriage, if either or both partners have experienced life events that have altered and hampered their ability to love and connect correctly. Affairs can also cause a significant rift because of the betrayal that has taken place which usually traumatizes a partner and the relationship. We are here to help you wherever you are at. Our goal is your wellbeing, we are here for you!