Jul 27, 2019 | Emotional Issues, Life Issues
Understanding Emotions What am I feeling? What do these feelings mean? First steps to understanding your emotions – Part 1 Are emotions and feelings the same? There are many words to describe how we feel but feelings are not the same as emotions. Feelings can...
Jul 22, 2019 | EMDR Therapy, Psychology
Understanding Fraser’s Dissociative Table Technique Effective way of healing dissociation Origin of Fraser’s Dissociative Table Technique Fraser’s Dissociative Table Technique is an adjunct technique that James Miklos, MCC, R.P. uses in his EMDR therapy. This...
Sep 25, 2016 | Life Issues, Uncategorized
Addictions are created when a desired feeling and behaviour become fixated together. For example, if the feeling of being a winner has become fixated with the behavior of gambling, the person gambles in order to feel like a winner. Even when he loses, the fixation...
Jul 7, 2016 | Mind Body, Psychology, Uncategorized
In western thinking we tend to separate and segregate things into compartments. This can be detrimental to us. Oriental or Eastern orientations, including the Bible, focus on the synergy of a person, taking into account the connectedness between the spirit, the mind...